In Memory of Open Science Pioneer Jean-Claude Bradley

Jean-Claude Bradley receiving the Blue Obelisk award presented by Egon Willighagen in an improvised ceremony during the ACS meeting in Chicago 2007 (Chris Steinbeck behind the camera). Picture licensed CC-BY.
As announced today by Drexel University, Open Science Pioneer and recipient of the Blue Obelisk award Jean-Claude Bradley died yesterday. He was a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Cheminformatic and Editor-in-Chief of the Chemistry Central Journal. But most importantly, he was an inspiring scientist and evangelist of the open science and open access movement.
Categorised as: Open Science
You were so wonderful and talented–a gift to the world. You will be sorely missed.
I lost my mentor. I to this day talk about our paper in Nature…. OMG. I miss my friend.