
Archive for April, 2008

Coming up: Meeting on Open Access in Chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry organizes a meeting on Open Access in Chemistry. It will happen on May 22nd in London.  The programme is here: RSC Open Access Meeting Programme. Topics will be questions like “why do we need it?”, existing open resources, OA Publishing (with talks from Chemistry Central journal and Nature Publishing Group), […]

NMRShiftDB in motion

The NMRShiftDB server network is currently undertaking major reconstruction.  We have physically moved the server previously running at CUBIC to its new location in the NMR labs of the University of Mainz, run by Heinz Kolshorn, where the machine is now running as The two servers impersonating, running at the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical […]

Congratulations, Egon

Weledelzeergeleerde Egon, it has been a pleasure to serve on your thesis committee and to attack you with nifty questions during the defence. It was also great to see you wearing a dress coat and a bow tie. For everyone reading this, I can recommend attending a Dutch thesis defence. In Germany, we have thrown […]